专为【车行企业家】打造的 2 小时线下分享会



How to Improve Sales Conversion & Increase Qualified Leads by 32% Each Quarter with an Automated Sales & Marketing Funnel that Enhance Customer Satisfaction in 72 Days

How We Use This Weird Blueprint to Turn Our Expertise / Knowledge into Online Program, Generate Income Online & Get Clients on Autopilot

Time - Date - Location:

Date: Wednesday

Time: 12pm - 2.30pm

Location: Plaza 33, 1 Jalan Kemajuan, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Fees: FREE

此【共享盈利引流模式】已成功帮助 30 多家车行和传统企业老板突破生意瓶颈,实现自动化引流并锁定顾客。


How We Use This Weird Blueprint to Turn Our Expertise / Knowledge into Online Program, Generate Income Online & Get Clients on Autopilot

  • 如何设计一套属于你企业的引流模式:用创新的方式吸引更多顾客,顾客洗车免费,车行仍然还能赚钱,甚至赚更多

  • 如何锁住顾客,并且让老顾客变成最好的推广员,自动为你转介绍,帮你带新客。

  • 如何增加生意现金流,赚得更稳定:与上市公司合作获取津贴,减少经营压力,让钱流进来更快更稳。

  • 如何提升每位顾客的消费,让利润更高:吸引顾客进店后,提供保养、配件等额外服务,让他们心甘情愿花更多钱,同时提升你的收入。


How We Use This Weird Blueprint to Turn Our Expertise / Knowledge into Online Program, Generate Income Online & Get Clients on Autopilot

关于 Dexmond Wong

  • Dexmond 专注于帮助车行吸引顾客、提升业绩。他推出了 “共享盈利引流模式”,让车主续保时还能享受额外福利,同时让车行赚得更多。

  • 他的方案简单又零风险,不仅能帮车行增加现金流还能提高回头客的数量

  • 目前,已经帮助了很多汽车美容中心、维修店,车行和传统行业生意,通过这个模式成功吸引了更多客户,甚至提升了至少25%的收入。

  • Dexmond 相信,好的商业模式一定是双赢的:商家能赚钱,顾客也能得到实惠,让大家都愿意长期合作。


How We Use This Weird Blueprint to Turn Our Expertise / Knowledge into Online Program, Generate Income Online & Get Clients on Autopilot


  • 客户难吸引:不知道如何让更多车主主动上门,提高成交率。

  • 客户不忠诚:一次性消费后流失,无法形成长期回购。

  • 现金流紧张:收款慢、支出快,导致资金周转困难。

  • 缺乏额外盈利点:车险业务利润低,难以提升整体收入。

  • 行业竞争激烈:没有独特卖点,容易被客户比价流失。

  • 营销无方向:不知道如何推广,缺乏有效的获客策略。


How We Use This Weird Blueprint to Turn Our Expertise / Knowledge into Online Program, Generate Income Online & Get Clients on Autopilot


MCAR Auto Spa




“自从 My Car 与这项车险续保送免费洗车的模式合作后,我们的生意量明显增加,因为顾客一听到有免费福利就会感兴趣并主动询问,我们再向他们介绍这个优惠,让他们更愿意在这里办理续保;在 My Car 续保车险,不仅方便,还能享受长达一年的免费洗车,让顾客更有价值感,也大幅提升了我们的客户留存率。”


IVAN SOON Hair Studio

“自从与我们合作车险续保送服务的计划后,Ivan Sun Hair Studio的生意得到了提升,因为顾客原本就需要续保车险,而在他们店内续保不仅方便快捷,还能享受额外的VIP福利,如免费洗头、造型或剪发,这种共享双赢的模式让顾客获得更多实惠,同时也为店铺带来更多流量和曝光,让双方都能在这个合作平台上找到新的增长机会。”


iShineExpress Car Wash



Y TWO Restaurant

"现在市场上咖啡店越来越多,竞争激烈,人流也被分散了。我们推出了一项全新的合作模式。车主不需要特意跑去保险公司续保,我们在咖啡店就能一站式为他们办理车险。续保的同时,我们赠送10到20次的免费洗车或包车,让客户享受更多实惠。他们可以一边喝茶、吃美食,一边轻松完成车险续保,不用特意排队去保险中心,省时又省心。传统续保方式,客户通常什么额外好处都拿不到;但在 Y TWO 办理,不仅有保障,还有额外福利!"


Jason, 车行客户



Penny, 车行客户



Michelle, 车行客户


Trusted by Clients from 16+ Countries

Here’s What Other Business Owners Says

United States, Malaysia, Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Philippines, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, India, South Africa, and other South East Asia Countries.

Jenna Tan (Malaysia)

I got the exact dream car I wanted, thank you for being part of my journey, I never forget my mentors, keep in touch!

Terry Lau (Hong Kong)

Thanks so much for your coaching. My schedule is full after a short period of marketing. And now, my monthly income is steadily as HK$ 90,000+ per month. Thanks so much. My friend, he is a taekwondo coach, he also want to have your coaching after introducing about you.

Valerie Tan (Singapore)

We already grew to 130 students this year. Increased monthly fees from students, did webinar to attract students. I think right now we are about 30k SGD revenue. All thanks to u, if not I wouldn’t have the runway to start the business

Amanda von Jentzen (USA)

Everything that you're showing me is pretty much kind of the the structure of all of the business books that I've read about growing your business and get your business to be running efficiently, making sure that things are automated that you have a process and a procedure for everything and and you're maximizing your time, it's all that that you're talking about and it looks like you guys have a really great way of doing that. I applaud you on that

Dr. Philip Won (Malaysia)

Honestly, you are my mentor. I have now close to1000 clients, getting RM150K monthly recurring revenue. Without you, I wouldn’t have achieved the success I have today.

Jennifer Sue (Canada)

Things are going well!! My teacher was getting a bit overwhelmed with all the enquiries. so l decided to pause the ads and let things settle a bit. I also wanted to see how my conversions were and get a more organized process going.


  • 车行老板,想要提升业绩、锁住客户、优化现金流。

  • 洗车行业老板,想用创新方式吸引更多客户,锁住客户。

  • 汽车维修与保养店主,希望通过车险模式增加额外收入。

  • 汽车销售商,想用创新方式吸引更多客户并提高回购率。

  • 二手汽车销售商,希望找到高效获客策略,提高客户留存和复购率。

More Clients From 16+ Countries:

United States, Malaysia, Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Philippines, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, India, South Africa, and other South East Asia Countries.

How We Use This Weird Blueprint to Turn Our Expertise / Knowledge into Online Program, Generate Income Online & Get Clients on Autopilot

如何利用【共享盈利引流模式】帮助您的车行企业生意倍增 ,并解决引流客户 ,锁定客户 ,以及提升企业现金流与利润的烦恼

Time - Date - Location:

Date: Wednesday

Time: 12pm - 2.30pm

Location: Plaza 33, 1 Jalan Kemajuan, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Fees: FREE

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